It seems like everywhere I go, there’s another wearable tech item available — Fitbut, Jawbone Up, etc. However, there’s a new technology that doesn’t look like, well, a wearable tech item.

This week’s startup we love is MiraFit. The company is introducing a new type of wearable technology. Not only does the technology look like a luxury jewelry item, it specializes in tracking women’s health. The small black tracker designed to fit into a brushed gold bracelet is built to blend in and look like a normal piece of jewelry. What it’s tracking is much more in depth, however.

The design is built for the everyday woman — someone who tries to stay active, but doesn’t necessarily obsess over fitness. According to MiraFit’s website, the product’s design helps create a “simple, fun and fashionable tracker that helps you make small, yet significant changes in your health.”

“It’s for a woman who wants to know her body better, but understands that while fitness is a priority, other things in life take priority, too,” said Suzanne EL-Moursi, brand development strategy and creative director at MiraFit, at last month’s Create & Cultivate conference in Chicago. “We wanted to make the product as noninvasive as possible.”

So what does MiraFit offer its customers? A seamless experience across desktop and mobile channels, easy-to-read metrics and milestones, and “boosts” — i.e., words of encouragement after you’ve completed each milestone. Not to mention a great looking piece of jewelry!

“It was important for us to focus on not only advocating for a healthier lifestyle, but to focus on women’s overall wellness,” said EL-Moursi. “And I think MiraFit really does that.”