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20 Questions With Sarah Peters, Director, Franchising, GNC

Sarah Peters is the franchising director at GNC, the global source of performance, wellness and diet solutions for every goal. She’s also a Women in Retail Leadership Circle member! We asked Sarah a series of questions about her career and other subjects so you can get to know her better.

  1. What’s the best book you’ve read recently? 
    I’m reading the Chief Inspector Armand Gamache series by Louise Penny. I became acquainted with her writing when I read “State of Terror,” the book she co-wrote with Hillary Rodham Clinton. I also enjoy reading Janet Evanovich’s Stephanie Plum series, and often laugh out loud when reading these books. I recently picked up “Think Again: The Power of Knowing What You Don’t Know” by Adam Grant, and am looking forward to reading this.
  2. What’s a tip you have for productively leading a remote or hybrid team?  
    It’s important to be consistent in focusing on performance — getting the work done correctly — and maintaining an awareness of how everyone is doing personally. If the team is hybrid, it’s worthwhile to have the team come into the office on the same days to touch base with one another in person on both a professional and personal level.
  3. What’s a mistake you made early on in your career?
    I didn’t look strategically at the long term. I may have made some different choices if I had.
  4. What’s the toughest part of being in charge?  
    People issues are always the most important issues to deal with when leading, influencing and working with others. A leader needs to make every effort to understand each individual and what the individual needs from the leader. The leader also has to be comfortable in stating that they expect everyone to contribute to the team’s efforts and to address the situation when that might not be happening.
  5. What’s the best way you motivate team members?  
    Consistently creating an atmosphere of caring, clear expectations and gratitude. Providing the team with stretch assignments also demonstrates that you believe in them, respect their feedback, want them to grow professionally, and are willing to teach them. The teams I’ve worked with have always responded well to this approach.
  6. What woman inspires you right now and why? 
    My daughter inspires me because she’s a kind individual who is establishing herself as an expert in her field while juggling all of the situations daily life includes. I also have a group of six close friends who consistently inspire me with their intelligence, thoughtfulness and kindness. We have been friends for over 40 years and I’m constantly amazed by all that this group of women achieves, both personally and professionally.
  7. What are you looking forward to the most for the industry in 2022?
    The supply chain returning to a somewhat normal position so we can continue to provide our internal and external customers the products they need and want.
  8. What’s one thing you look for when interviewing a job candidate? 
    Integrity and a skill set that complements the team. A different perspective can help a team grow. It’s also important that a candidate can provide examples of when they took the initiative to solve a problem, paid attention to detail, and accepted responsibility for something that was outside of their normal day-to-day job responsibilities.
  9. What’s something that you learned about yourself in the past year?  
    I believe everyone learned that they’re more resilient than they thought.
  10. What’s your favorite podcast? 
    Planet Money is a great podcast to educate yourself about the economy. The Financial Feminist speaks about financial self-care and some concrete actions to take. The Mental Wealth Show and Motley Fool Money also provide good information. It’s important for everyone to educate themselves about factors that impact their financial well-being.
  11. What values are most important to you as a leader?
    As a leader, and as a human being, honesty and kindness are important. Being true to your word and taking the initiative and responsibility earn respect.
  12. What’s the most important thing people should know about you?
    I enjoy learning and truly believe that learning is a life-long activity, and that we need to promote this ideal throughout our culture. We also need to stress that learning doesn’t necessarily mean the traditional “attend school” learning.
  13. What’s one habit you adopted while working from home that you’d like to keep with you as you return to the office?
    Being more mindful of the present and enjoying the present.
  14. How would you describe yourself in a single sentence? 
    I’m an individual who likes to brainstorm with others to improve processes and get results, thus growing myself personally and professionally and accompanying others through the same growth process.
  15. What’s your favorite app? 
    The GNC Live Well app, of course! I like to look at the Chairish app, too, and truly love my mobile banking app.
  16. What do you do to recharge?
    I garden, ride bikes, walk and read. I also enjoy visiting antique shops.
  17. What’s your biggest accomplishment? 
    Being a member of a close extended family made up of intelligent, hard-working, and kind individuals, and being the parent of three children who are now responsible, intelligent and kind adults.
  18. What advice would you give to the next generation of female leaders?
    I would encourage the next generation of female leaders to support one another, to remain curious, and to say “Yes” to opportunities even when they might be apprehensive.
  19. What gets you up in the morning? 
    I enjoy life. There are so many books to read, places to visit, new people to meet, accomplishments to achieve — there’s always something new to tackle!
  20. How would you describe your leadership style?
    Direct, collaborative and inquisitive. I also want the team to focus on results and to continually strive for improvement. I enjoy challenges, solving problems, and celebrating achievements.

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